Sunday, February 24, 2013

week of 2-24-13

During this week I have watched and scored all films.  It took me about 4 hours over 2 days.  I have sent a equipment request form in to pick up the equipment we will need for the 90's night this thursday. Planning the equipment took about 20 mins to put on the form and submit.  During our meeting on Friday I copied the regional contacts from the old excel worksheet to our google docs spreadsheet so we would be able to use it easier next year.  The coping of the 380 or so contacts took about 30 minutes.  I will when we receive the information and art for the films selected meet with Ben Blevins over spring break and put that information on the site as soon as we get it. I inquired to the photography club as Jon instructed i do.  My fiancĂ© is a member and said they charge $20 an hour.  I went on the new Word Press site and and played around after I logged in.  I explored where everything was and how it was put in.  I am going to like Word Press more than the old program. I spent about an hour going over the site.  That is all that I can think of right now.  It has been a busy weekend.  I am looking forward to the party this Thursday.

Monday, February 18, 2013


During this week myself and Ben meet at my apartment for about an hour to post the new sponsor logos on the page.  We had technical difficulties and could not get the images to appear, but the links for the images do work.  We are going to consult Jon and see if he can help us out.  I have continued to read my online book and as of right now I am on page 50.  I have found a better coding for dummies book that I will buy in march.  I feel this book has better examples and will help me find how to do better design aspects of coding.  I spent about 3 hours on saturday and sunday watching the films taking notes.  Today I went through and re watched some of the films and graded all.  It took about 3 hours.  I also picked up the movie tickets from Carmike and will bring them along with the purses I mentioned last class.  Next weekend I am going to spend my saturday working on coding and any other projects that come up during the week.  I am going to see if Ben can meet up with me and work together on the webpage/ fix the problems we had this week.

Monday, February 11, 2013


Today I received the go ahead from Carmike Cinema's to give us 10 tickets.  Me and Ben meet on monday for an hour go over items to get done.  We were going to do the link the 1hour 1 take video race forms to the site but it was already done by someone else.  We then were going to continue to work on creating a webpage from scratch.  I have downloaded the E-Book from the library to study HTML.  I will begin to read more the book and practice the tasks that are being shown in the book.  I have also found a local business woman who said she would like to donate her handmade purses to the festival.  She just needs to know how many we would need and she can see what she can donate.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Work for 02-03-2013

This weekend I meet with Jon and a few others for our quick meeting in friday.  I am going to be taking my ipad to the regal and carmike on monday to ask them about free movie tickets for visions video race.  Some time this week myself jon and ben are going to meet and create the google documents for the abstract essays for grading when the time comes.  Myself and Ben will be working on building a webpage from scratch in hopes of creating a new visions look for next year.